
The Bass Queen!

           One of the more special people I get to fish with is my wife, Ashlen.   We really enjoy fishing, and we really enjoy fishing together.   We love bass fishing a lot, mainly because we turned it into a competition. Our recent bass fishing adventure we spent the weekend on a lake with only one cabin all to ourselves.   We kept it simple on this trip. Just fishing gear, kayaks, and some snacks.   Of course, we had a few things to throw on the grill at midday but that was it. Our first morning we set out early.   The water was perfect. No crazy wind to push us around and the bite was on fire. We went back and forth but by midafternoon when we took our break, I had more fish than her.   Our evening trip was successful as well.   We had an unfortunate mishap with her kayak and spun the prop off the pedal drive.   But that didn’t stop her from trying to win the competition.   She even stayed next to me, and we fished side by side.   At the end of the day, we were tired, but she had

For the future.

  My other fishing buddies are turning into the most enthusiastic, crazy, fun little people to fish with that I know!   They enjoy everything the water has to offer.   Maybe not the hot summer days as much because let’s face it, if the fish aren’t biting and its 110 degrees out there it can be kinda rough.   But some of their favorite things are the cast net and what surprises come with it.   I will admit it too, I’m like them when I throw that cast net sometimes.   I am excited to see what different types of water specimens we are going to see.   My daughter Layla is willing to hold the bait no problem.   She enjoys that part of fishing. She gets excited for the catch, and she has the fish stories to go along with it! My son Julian is my official “shrimp bucket guy” as he calls it.   Whenever we need a new shrimp on the line, he insists he gets it for all of us. Jack is the youngest and he insists on holding all the bass we catch when we hit the pond fishing. I have to do my best and

Tighten that drag!

            Fishing with friends can create some of the most amazing stories that you can repeat over and over at any function or get together until the end of time. Some of the hardest belly laughs I’ve ever experienced have come from telling the same crazy story over to people that were there to begin with! One of our fishing trips to Destin, FL a few years back comes to mind. A group of us friends have this annual fishing trip where we stay a few days and fish and enjoy each other’s company. Me, Tony and John, get all of our gear set up the night before and stay up way too late telling past stories and sharing big dreams about what we are gonna catch in the morning. Well, the morning came and it popped up fast. We jump in the ride with our coffees and we drive to the boat slip.                      We really got into the fish this day. The snapper season was open so we limited out on them, but we caught a nice assortment of some really delicious fish. Now, Tony and I have done our f

The Beginning...

  Another story I recall is the first time I took my oldest fishing. It was on a farm pond that  was loaded with bass and massive bluegill! It was on a friend’s property. My buddy  Chris whom I had served with in the military, has three boys and a girl himself! My daughter Mia, who was about 2 years old at the time, reeled in her first big ol’ bluegill and she was terrified of it! We all laughed and encouraged her to give it a touch and then we would release it and she could catch it again. The fear she had turned into this curiosity that only children have. She was ready to fish again. It was not too long she wanted the pole on her own and she did not need any help from me. We caught a few more and she thought it was the greatest thing she had ever done. I was so proud of  her. She had no idea that we were not just catching bluegill. She didn’t see my tears of joy behind those sunglasses. I had missed this little girls first birthday because of a deployment. I had missed some time ear

More than just fishing.

          What I would like the readers of this blog to take from this is not only the fishing experiences I will share but something else that happens when you fish with the people special to you in your life. There are many activities a person can do to not only connect with nature but also with the people we love. But there is something special about the bond between a loved one and the water. It’s spiritual, and without even realizing it, you are strengthening these relationships whether it be with your son or daughter, or a friend, and even your wife or husband.  This is what my story is about. When fishing is more than just fishing.     I remember being a young man around the age of 10 when I met my first best friend in the fourth grade. His name was Gil. I was the new kid. We instantly became friends and for the next 20 years we did everything together.  But when we were younger the one thing, we did almost every day when school was out for the summer was fish.  We would plan