For the future.


My other fishing buddies are turning into the most enthusiastic, crazy, fun little people to fish with that I know!  They enjoy everything the water has to offer.  Maybe not the hot summer days as much because let’s face it, if the fish aren’t biting and its 110 degrees out there it can be kinda rough.  But some of their favorite things are the cast net and what surprises come with it.  I will admit it too, I’m like them when I throw that cast net sometimes.  I am excited to see what different types of water specimens we are going to see.  My daughter Layla is willing to hold the bait no problem.  She enjoys that part of fishing. She gets excited for the catch, and she has the fish stories to go along with it! My son Julian is my official “shrimp bucket guy” as he calls it.  Whenever we need a new shrimp on the line, he insists he gets it for all of us. Jack is the youngest and he insists on holding all the bass we catch when we hit the pond fishing. I have to do my best and keep him out of the water also.  These moments are all building on the outdoor lifestyle I hope to instill in all my children.  The importance of wildlife and ecosystems. Taking care of what we have now to leave for future generations. While hopefully establishing mindful fishermen, I’m also bonding and creating everlasting memories for us all.  They are part of this whole thing whether they realize it right now or not.  It is all priceless and precious to me in every way. 


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