The Bass Queen!

        One of the more special people I get to fish with is my wife, Ashlen.  We really enjoy fishing, and we really enjoy fishing together.  We love bass fishing a lot, mainly because we turned it into a competition. Our recent bass fishing adventure we spent the weekend on a lake with only one cabin all to ourselves.  We kept it simple on this trip. Just fishing gear, kayaks, and some snacks.  Of course, we had a few things to throw on the grill at midday but that was it. Our first morning we set out early.  The water was perfect. No crazy wind to push us around and the bite was on fire. We went back and forth but by midafternoon when we took our break, I had more fish than her.  Our evening trip was successful as well.  We had an unfortunate mishap with her kayak and spun the prop off the pedal drive.  But that didn’t stop her from trying to win the competition.  She even stayed next to me, and we fished side by side.  At the end of the day, we were tired, but she had the biggest catch of the day.  We settled in the cabin that had no internet or smart tv or smart anything. Just a little cabin with the basics that lets you recharge. Just the way we both like it. There was a tv with a DVD player. We found an old ninja turtles movie and we watched it with our snacks. We laughed about the movie and talked about the fish from the day.  The ones we lost and the ones we landed. We were bonding. We were strengthening not only our marriage but our friendship. And we knew it.

        These moments are what this blog is about.  I am ever so fortunate that I get to do these things with so many special people.  Ashlen is my best friend. She is not only my wife, but she is someone I share everything with. Life is extremely short.  These moments are everything for me. When my world seems unfair or things that are out of my control that try to consume me, I go to these moments. I hope these posts will help you to reminisce in a positive light or help to get out there and create your own memories.

This will always be more than fishing.


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