More than just fishing.


    What I would like the readers of this blog to take from this is not only the fishing experiences I will share but something else that happens when you fish with the people special to you in your life. There are many activities a person can do to not only connect with nature but also with the people we love. But there is something special about the bond between a loved one and the water. It’s spiritual, and without even realizing it, you are strengthening these relationships whether it be with your son or daughter, or a friend, and even your wife or husband.  This is what my story is about. When fishing is more than just fishing.

    I remember being a young man around the age of 10 when I met my first best friend in the fourth grade. His name was Gil. I was the new kid. We instantly became friends and for the next 20 years we did everything together.  But when we were younger the one thing, we did almost every day when school was out for the summer was fish.  We would plan these elaborate all day events where would start campfires and bring hot dogs and snacks.  We caught our own bait. Night crawlers, crayfish (the ones you don't eat) different bugs. Lures of all sorts and we would walk the creeks and riverbanks fishing all day long into the night. I can't tell if over all the years if we ever caught more than 20 fish in all our expeditions.  But what I do know there was a bond in all our adventures that we didn't know at the time that would make us forever friends. Of course, we moved on and started our own families. But when we do meet up, it’s like we are 12 years old on that riverbank fishing again. 

     Fishing is enjoyed by so many people all over the country but especially right here on the Mississippi Gulf coast. I have fished my entire life.  From the time I was 10 years old walking the riverbanks of the Susquehanna River in upstate New York, to Tampa Bay hooking into the acrobatic Tarpon and now, right here on the coast catching the hard fighting "bull" reds. Fresh water, salt water, it doesn't matter to me.  I love it all. But even more, is sharing it with the special people in my life.



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