The Beginning...


Another story I recall is the first time I took my oldest fishing. It was on a farm pond that was loaded with bass and massive bluegill! It was on a friend’s property. My buddy Chris whom I had served with in the military, has three boys and a girl himself! My daughter Mia, who was about 2 years old at the time, reeled in her first big ol’ bluegill and she was terrified of it! We all laughed and encouraged her to give it a touch and then we would release it and she could catch it again. The fear she had turned into this curiosity that only children have. She was ready to fish again. It was not too long she wanted the pole on her own and she did not need any help from me. We caught a few more and she thought it was the greatest thing she had ever done. I was so proud of her. She had no idea that we were not just catching bluegill. She didn’t see my tears of joy behind those sunglasses. I had missed this little girls first birthday because of a deployment. I had missed some time early in her life. Chris and I deployed together so he missed time with his little ones as well. This was more than fishing that day. Now she cried her little heart out when we had to leave that day. But I promised her, this was only the beginning of our fishing bond.


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